Kakshil Patel
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

A dedicated university student with a passion to excel within the synthesis of the established tech industry and the rapidly emerging biotech field. Specifically interested in incorporating computational skills through genomics and bioinformatics for analyzing the exponential amount of future biological data and working in sync towards the digitization of biology. Have knowledge and experience with both front end and back end development.

Artificial intelligence


Codebase 1 Database management 1 Database tuning 1 Data integrity 1 Data manipulation 1 Debugging 1 Design elements and principles 1 Full stack development 1 Language development 1 Web development 1 Web hosting services 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Work experience

Programming Instructor
Ultimate Coders
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
September 2022 - Current

Technologies: Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Arduino

Trained students from different grade levels in various programming languages including Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Arduino.

Facilitated engaging and interactive lessons to encourage a productive learning environment.

Successfully conveyed advanced topics effectively through strong interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills.

Bioinformatics Research Fellow
July 2021 - September 2021

Gained experience through the completion of courses in genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, epigenetics, machine learning for biomedical science as well as coding in python and R

Completed projects and assignments on various literature and published papers ranging from viral diseases and cancer to agricultural crop output in context of climate change.

Completed a research project publication in the domain of bioinformatics using computational biology, and statistical tools for data analysis.

Lung Cancer Genomics Diagnosis(R programming) – Fellowship Research Project

Using non small cell lung carcinoma datasets from ncbi, performed transcriptomal pipeline analysis to identify and contrast biomarkers in regards to different factors such as patient age, sex, smoking; for future applications in early detection diagnostics using genomics.


Bachelor of Science, Computer Science & Biology Double Major
York University
September 2019 - Current

Personal projects

Linked List Calculator (JAVA)
January 2023 - January 2023

Developed a calculator which uses 2 linked lists to store number values which are then used to perform addition and subtraction, and return a linked list sum or difference.

Maze Path Algorithm (Java)
October 2022 - October 2022

Designed a program using OOP Java, that takes an input of an entry gate in a maze, and the algorithm returns the path to the exit.

Image Blur (Java)
July 2022 - July 2022

A program that takes an image as an input, applies different kernels and uses convolution to return the blurred image and an edge detected image in black and white.

Memory Test – Mobile App (Android Studio, Java)
January 2022 - April 2022

Developed an application which functions as a memory assessment tested through the functionality of a game. User is tested for memory and relocation of matching values that they identify under a certain period of time through which they try to obtain the maximum points