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Winter 2025 - Strategic Marketing Plan Aimed at Consumers
COMM 468
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end users. Examples include food & beverages, fashion, entertainment, retail, emerging apps/technology that young adults often use etc. Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well: https://tinyurl.com/bdfd8zk5
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan W23
COMM 468 201
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C or B2B marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
Winter 2023 - Strategic Marketing Plan Aimed at Consumers
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end users. Examples include food & beverages, fashion, entertainment, retail, emerging apps/technology that young adults often use etc. Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
Fall 2022 - Strategic Marketing Plan Aimed at Consumers
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end users. Examples include food & beverages, fashion, entertainment, retail, emerging apps/technology that young adults often use etc. Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan W22
COMM 468 201
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C or B2B marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
SMEI Marketing Strategy
The major project in this course is a marketing plan. Students conduct customer analysis, competitive analysis, and internal analysis. They develop a set of recommendations for a promotional program to launch/grow the product/service. They create financial projections with sensitivity analysis. At the end of the course the report is turned over to the firm.
Winter 2022 - B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end user (such as fashion, food & beverages, consumer apps/technology that young adults would use, retail, travel etc). Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
Community Business Project
Are you a non-profit or social enterprise? Or a company with a corporate social responsibility initiative? The Community Business Project gives non-profit organizations, social enterprises and companies with corporate social responsibility initiatives access to three months of business consulting from teams of graduate student volunteers from the Master of Management UBC's Sauder School of Business. Organizations get the chance to tackle key business challenges while giving students the opportunity to hone their business skills, gain real-world experience and make a positive contribution to their community. Upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report and presentation.
Fall 2021 - B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end user (ie F&B, emerging apps/technology that young adults would use; retail; etc). Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) Summer Internship
Are you making the most of your data? Do you have a complex business problem that you’d like to solve or shed a new light on? Do you need an extra pair of hands to help solve a challenging business problem? Our summer internships provide your company the opportunity to access top-notch analytics talent from one or more of our Master of Business Analytics students for a fraction of the cost of what external consultants would cost. Depending on the project, there might also be funding available to partially cover some of the costs. Note: Students are only available to work between July to October and can be hired individually or as a group.
Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) Summer Project
Are you making the most of your data? Do you have a complex business problem that you’d like to solve or shed a new light on? Do you need an extra pair of hands to help solve a challenging business problem? Our summer internships provide your company the opportunity to access top-notch analytics talent from one or more of our Master of Business Analytics students for a fraction of the cost of what external consultants would cost. Depending on the project, there might also be funding available to partially cover some of the costs. Note: Students are only available to work between July to October and can be hired individually or as a group.
Strategic Management Consulting Project
Starting January, student teams of five will spend a combined 200 hours working with their industry client on a Strategic Management Consulting project. Throughout the project students will leverage tools and skills gained throughout their Sauder BCom education to contribute free business consulting services to that make a positive contribution to the business or non-profit community. This is the final term Capstone Project for students from various program streams in their last year of the Bachelor of Commerce program.
Economical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
COMM 382 / COMR382
Having the capacity to innovate is critical to entrepreneurial success. In this project, students will explore concepts most relevant to innovation-driven enterprises: those ventures that have potential for high revenue growth and that are increasingly important in today’s knowledge economy. They will assess the opportunities associated with disrupting existing market environments, and the internal challenges of building new organizational capabilities. Through these lenses, students will scrutinize your organization context and upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report and presentation.
Strategic Management Consulting Project
Starting January 6th, student teams of 4 will spend a combined 160 hours working with their industry client on this Strategic Management Consulting Project. Throughout the project duration, students will collaborate to provide free business consulting services to businesses or organizations in order to make a positive contribution to the British Columbia community.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan #3
COMM 468 201
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C or B2B marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
Community Business Project
Are you a non-profit or social enterprise? Or a company with a corporate social responsibility initiative? The Community Business Project gives non-profit organizations, social enterprises and companies with corporate social responsibility initiatives access to three months of business consulting from teams of graduate student volunteers from the Master of Management UBC's Sauder School of Business. Organizations get the chance to tackle key business challenges while giving students the opportunity to hone their business skills, gain real-world experience and make a positive contribution to their community. Upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report and presentation.
Employment Relationship Management
COMM 203
Would you like to improve relations with/amongst your employees? Do you want to gain insights into the levers to adjust in order to improve organizational effectiveness and business success? In this course, student-consultants working in small groups will analyze the essential elements of the relationship between employers and employees within your organization's context. This analysis will assist in making decisions regarding forming, developing, and managing a workforce and then evaluating feedback regarding the impact of their decisions on business results. The students will develop a report and presentation for your organization upon completion of the project.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive marketing plan aimed at consumers, for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end user (ie food & beverage, emerging apps/technology that young adults would use; fashion, retail, etc). Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice. Our students are only looking to work with consumer-facing brands that are relevant to them as an end user (ie F&B, emerging apps/technology that young adults would use; retail; etc). Please note these requirement before applying - you will need to fill out and submit this application form as well.
Strategic Management Consulting Project
Starting January, student teams of five will spend a combined 200 hours working with their industry client on a Strategic Management Consulting project. Throughout the project, students leverage tools and skills gained throughout their Sauder BCom education to contribute free business consulting services to that make a positive contribution to the business or non-profit community.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan #2
COMM 468 201
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
IT Consultancy
COMM 438
In groups of 5, senior undergraduate student consultants majoring in Business Technology Management will help improve your IT organization's performance and deliver business value.
Marketing Outreach Consultancy
COMM 362
This semester, student-consultants will conduct an A/B testing study on two messaging strategies for marketing your product or service. They will then analyze the results of this study to compare their effectiveness on consumers' attitudes.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.
Master's Sustainability Consultancy
A team of Master's level student-consultants will work with your organization to audit existing sustainability performance and propose a new sustainability initiative or improve a current initiative.
Strategic Management Consulting Project
Starting January, student teams of 5 will spend a combined 200 hours working with their industry client on this Strategic Management Consulting project. Throughout the project duration, students leverage tools and skills gained throughout their Sauder BCom education to collaborate to provide free business consulting services to organizations in order to make a positive contribution to the British Columbia community.
Strategic Management Consulting Project
Starting January 6th, student teams of 4 will spend a combined 160 hours working with their industry client on this Strategic Management Consulting Project. Throughout the project duration, students will collaborate to provide free business consulting services to businesses or organizations in order to make a positive contribution to the British Columbia community.
Social Media Strategy Plan
Comm 386U
Student groups will work with your B2C organization to develop a social media marketing strategy for your brand(s), based on your objectives.
B2C Strategic Marketing Plan
Student-consultants working in groups will develop a comprehensive B2C marketing plan for a marketing objective of your choice.